Yuma School District
YSD-1 COVID-19 Update 3 24 2020

March 24, 2020

YSD-1  COVID-19 Update 3 24 2020

Our teachers and staff have been working this week to prepare for instruction to resume on Monday March 30th.  This has been a complicated challenge and we ask for your patience as the plan is being rolled out.  

Messaging will begin shortly from each building with directions and schedules  for parents/students to pick up their necessary materials (locker or desk contents, books etc) as well as instructional plans.  

Later this week, we will be sending info on how we will be supporting families who do not have internet access or devices (tablets, computers etc) for student work completion.

Reminder, tomorrow (Wednesday) is our next Grab and Go meal distribution from 9:00am -11:am at Yuma Middle School in the south delivery loop and in Eckley at 401 S. Main Street.  All children 18 and under are eligible for free meals regardless of their free and reduced lunch status.

Thank you!  We are looking forward to resuming instruction interactively with our students next week!


YSD-1 COVID-19 Actualización 24 de marzo, 2020


Nuestros maestros y personal han estado trabajando esta semana para prepararse para que la instrucción continue el lunes 30 de marzo. Este ha sido un desafío complicado y le pedimos paciencia mientras se implementa el plan.


Los mensajes comenzarán más tarde desde cada edificio con instrucciones y horarios para que los padres / estudiantes recojan sus materiales necesarios (contenido del locker, escritorio, libros, etc.), y planes de instrucción. Más adelante esta semana, enviaremos información sobre cómo apoyaremos a las familias que no tienen acceso a Internet o dispositivos (tabletas, computadoras, etc.) para completar el trabajo de los estudiantes.


Recordatorio, mañana (miércoles) es nuestra próxima distribución de comida en bolsa de 9:00 a.m. a 11: a.m.en Yuma Middle School, en el circuito al sur y en Eckley  401 S. Main Street. Todos los niños menores de 18 años son elegibles para recibir comidas gratis, independientemente de su estado de almuerzo gratis o reducido.


¡Gracias! ¡Esperamos continuar la instrucción por internet con nuestros estudiantes la próxima semana!

COVID-19 Update March 19, 2020

March 19, 2020

COVID-19 Update March 19, 2020

Governor Jared Polis ordered that in-person instruction at all public and private schools from March 23 to April 17 be suspended.  As a result, all district buildings will be closed to students and the community.  Staff will be working on remote instructional planning and logistics as well as "grab and go" food service next week.  Please check in frequently to this page for upcoming information.

Here is a link to the Governor's Order:

Governor Order


COVID-19 Update - March 13, 2020

March 13, 2020

The Yuma School District-1 is actively monitoring the Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) situation and its impacts both locally and statewide.

Please note:  We will update information on this website as official decisions are made.  Any community information received from other sources should not be considered official Yuma School District information.

The situation is rapidly evolving and we continue to receive and monitor information from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) as well as information from the Governor’s Office and Department of Education.

Our plan is to continue to monitor and follow current and updated orders and to focus on cleaning and disinfecting during our regularly scheduled spring break.  

Currently, CHSAA has cancelled all activities, including athletic practices through April 6th, 2020. 

We have been notified Yuma City Recreation activities have been cancelled through April 6th as well.

In line with these decisions, we have cancelled all before or after school facility use of buildings by the community and any before or after school district related activities, including field trips until  April 6th ,2020.  

We will re-evaluate these decisions as appropriate.

It is important to note that there is potential and probability for school closure.  As of today, March 13, 2020, school is expected to resume Monday March 23, 2020 at the conclusion of our scheduled spring break.  We will continue to work diligently behind the scenes to ensure that if closures occur, we have plans in place for meal options for our students as well as instructional plans.

 We will provide updates on Monday, March 16th on this site.

Thank you for your support!

YSD-1 Student Absence Policy Explained

March 10, 2020

To open document in new window click on red title. 

Link for YSD-1 Board approved student absence policy:  https://z2.ctspublish.com/casb/browse/yuma-casb/yuma/z20000504

YSD-1 Absence Policy Explanation

YSD-1 Absence Policy Explanation 2YSD-1 Absence Policy Explanation 3


December 05, 2019

Safety Message #2


This is an important message from Yuma School District.  We have been informed that the suspect has been apprehended, and the lockout has been lifted.  All regular building processes will resume at this time.  We would like to thank all staff, students, parents, and community members for their support, patience, and understanding during these procedures.  The safety of our students and staff remains our number one priority.

Este es un mensaje importante de el distrito escolar de Yuma. Se nos a informado que el sospechoso a sido capturado y el lock out sera suspendido. El proceso de cada edificio se resumira a rutina nomal. Quisieramos dar le las gracias a todos los empleados, estudiantes, padres y miembros de la comunidad por su apoyo en estos procedimientos. La seguridad de nuestros estudiantes y empleados son la prioridad numero uno.


December 05, 2019

This is an important message from the Yuma School District.  We were made aware there was a shooting that took place in Wray last night.  We don’t have information other than the suspect is still considered armed and dangerous, and is thought to be somewhere between Wray and Yuma.  At this point we will be taking extra precautions and lockout procedures will be put in place.  Those procedures include all staff and students remaining inside the building throughout the day.  Please be aware that any visitors will not be permitted inside the building.  If you need to check out your student please call the office first to make arrangements.   It is also important to note that there is NO direct threat to our schools, we are simply taking extra precautions to ensure the safety of students and staff.


Este es un mensaje importante de el distrito escolar de Yuma. Se nos puso a el tanto que ayer hubo una balacera en Wray la noche de ayer. No tenemos mas informacion aparte de que el sospechoso esta suelto y es conciderado armado y peligroso y se piensa que esta en algun lugar en medio de Wray y Yuma. En este momento estamos tomando extra preccauciones y estamos en Lock out que es que nadie puede salir o entrar a la escuela durante el dia. Porfavor este a el tanto de que visitantes no sean permitidos dentro de el edificio. Si necesita sacar a su estudiante de la escuela porfavor de hacer arreglos con la oficina antes. Es importante que sepan que no ahi ninguna amenaza contra las escuelas, simplemente estamos tomanto eso como una precaucion.


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