Yuma School District


YSD-1’s LEA Plan

Summary of YSD-1 plan to use federal title funds for the 2024-2025 school year.

Title I Funds: Pay for intervention teachers at Morris Elementary School.  Pay for full-time counselor at Yuma Middle School.  Help pay benefits for the Student Support Services Assistant.

Title II Funds: Some funds will be transferred to Title I to help pay for the salary and benefits of Student Support Services Assistant. Other funds will be transferred to Title IV to help pay for Tac Pacs control kits.

Title III Funds: Provide partial salary for bilingual, CLDE certified teacher at YHS. Professional Development through COTESOL for ESL Staff to support students, and pay for substitutes while gone for COTESOL. Purchase supplemental materials to heighten ELs access to content classes for MES, YMS and YHS. Purchase Lexia English for MES. Purchase of Flashlight 360 at YMS and YHS as a supplemental tool to progress monitor students. 

Title IV: The funds will purchase 8 Halo vape detectors for YHS. Pay for Tac Pacs control kits throughout the district.  Help pay for Axon body 4 dock and power cord for SRO.

Yuma-1 also sets aside federal funds for students identified as homeless as required.

To review/comment on the application for federal funds please visit the YSD-1 district office at 1115  South Ash Street.  

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