Yuma School District

Per State of Colorado law, we are required to provide an update on the status of asbestos in the Yuma School District.


In the past, asbestos was incorporated into many building materials due to its insulating, sound absorbing and fire retarding capabilities. Prior to 1980, almost all buildings contained some asbestos. Materials containing asbestos that are intact generally do not pose a health risk. However, disturbance of these materials may release fibers that can become airborne and inhaled, potentially causing health problems. It has been determined that Yuma Middle School and Yuma High School inhabit asbestos-containing building materials (ACBM). As Morris Elementary was built after 1980, no ACBM are present.


Yuma School District has conducted an inspection to determine whether the condition of the known or assumed asbestos containing building materials has changed and to make recommendations of managing or removing the ACBM. All materials inspected do not warrant any removal or further encapsulation at this time.


The law further requires an asbestos management plan to be in place. YSD-1 has developed a plan, as required, which will be continually updated. The plan has several ongoing requirements: publish a notification on management plan availability and the status of asbestos activities; educate and train its employees about asbestos and how to deal with it; follow set plans and procedures designed to minimize the disturbance of asbestos-containing building materials; and survey the condition of these materials annually to assure that they remain in good condition.


It is the intention of the Yuma School District to comply with all federal and state regulations controlling asbestos and take whatever steps are necessary to ensure students and employees a healthy and safe environment in which to learn and work. All inquiries regarding the asbestos plan or any related asbestos issues should be directed to the District office at 970-848-5831.

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