Yuma School District
YHS Wrestling

May 21, 2018

YHS Wrestling Car Wash and Bake Sale Fundraiser

Saturday, May 26th

10:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Viaero on Hwy 34

YHS Athletics

May 10, 2018

sports physicals

6th - 11th grade FREE SPORT PHYSICALS have been scheduled for May 16th. Physical forms will be going home with students prior to the day of physicals. Please, feel free to call the school with questions. Thank you!

Grados 6 a 11 tendran FISICOS PARA DEPORTES GRATIS el 16 de Mayo. Las formas para el fisico iran a casa con los estudiantes dias antes del fisico. Porfavor llame a la escuela con cualquier pregunta. Gracias!

YHS Band/Choir

April 19, 2018

YHS Spring Concert


April 03, 2018

On Tuesday morning, April 10, Yuma High School will be administering the PSAT 9 (freshmen), PSAT 10 (sophomores), & SAT (juniors) state assessments. Seniors will not be required to be in the building that morning for testing as we need all staff administering the assessments in some capacity. However, the commons area only will be open for seniors that need school transportation or choose to be in the building and work. Tuesday afternoon, April 10th, all students including seniors must report for class at 12:18.  We will be on a revised schedule that afternoon with shortened periods 3, 7, 4 and 8. Friday, April 13th will be periods 5-8.



March 26, 2018

Attention Juniors:

On Wednesday, March 28, 2018, please report to YHS library at 7:50 am for CMAS Science testing. Please leave all electronic devices including smartwatches in your locked locker, locked car or home. When a testing session is complete, sitting quietly or reading is acceptable. Please bring reading material if you chose to read.



February 14, 2018


Dress Up Days

Tuesday - Dress as a cowboy or cowgirl

Wednesday - Official dress

Thursday - Dress as farm animals

Friday- Wear red and white

Parent/Teacher Conferences

February 06, 2018

YHS Parent/Teacher Conferences today, Thursday, March 1st from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

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