Yuma School District
Fall Festival

October 11, 2021

fall festival


May 06, 2020

Reminder:  May 7th will be the last day of new instruction for all YHS students.  Students that have not completed coursework will have until May 19th to finalize classes and earn credit.

Please pay attention to the following dates and times to return ALL borrowed items, textbooks, chromebooks, hotspots, athletic equipment ETC.  

Monday May 11th - Senior Check Out - 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM and 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Thursday May 14th - Underclassmen Check Out for those that have completed all classes - 9:00 AM -         12:00 PM and 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Tuesday May 19th - Final day to complete all coursework and turn in assignments.  
Wednesday May 20th - Final Check Out ALL students - 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM and 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Check In Procedure: When arriving for check in please pull up to the main entrance of YHS.  Remain in your car and a staff member will come collect your items.  Please have your items in a bag or box to help speed things along.

Please contact Mr. Nighswonger at 
nighswongerb@yumaschools.net if you have any questions regarding these dates and times.



May 01, 2020

Students: The last day of new material being introduced will be May 7th. There will be no final assessments in classes. There may be some assignments that have due dates beyond the May 7th date but as far as new assignments being given, those will cease on the 7th.  The week following that date should be utilized for catch up to bring your grades up to a passing level. REMINDER: Eligibility for Fall athletics is based on your grades for this semester. You must be eligible at the end of the year in order to be immediately eligible in the Fall.  If you have been keeping up on your schooling since remote instruction has began, you can ultimately be done on the 7th of May. What an incentive to get everything turned in by that date!

Estudiantes: El ultimo dia que se introducirá tarea será el 7 de mayo. No habrá tareas finales para las clases. Pueda que algunas tareas tengan fecha de vencimiento después de el dia 7 pero trabajos nuevos no. La siguiente semana despues del dia 7 de mayo será para recuperar trabajos atrasados y subir sus calificaciones para poder pasar. RECORDATORIO: La elegibilidad para los deportes del otoño serán basados en sus calificaciones de este semestre. Deben ser elegibles en el final de este semestre para poder ser elegibles inmediatamente para el otoño. Si han estado al corriente de sus tareas desde que empezó el aprendizaje a distancia puede terminar para el dia 7 de mayo. Eso es un gran motivo para entregar todo su trabajo para esa fecha!


October 19, 2018

Make up photo day is Tuesday Oct. 23rd



October 09, 2018


Tuesday, October 9, 2018

6:30 p.m.


October 08, 2018

Fall Bash

YHS Individual Student Photos

October 08, 2018

Tuesday, October 16th  

Students will receive order envelopes on Wednesday this week. 

Make up photo day will be Tuesday Oct. 23.

FAFSA Workshop

October 01, 2018

FAFSA Workshop  FAFSA Workshop

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