Yuma School District
Knowledge Bowl

February 14, 2017



February 10, 2017

Greetings Yuma Middle School Parents from Brenda Kloberdanz YMS principal,

Today we are sending home the district policy regarding the exemption procedure for state testing. Thank you for your dedication to Yuma Middle School in making state testing a priority. We use and believe assessments provide us with valuable data to not only meet, but exceed our academic obligation to your student. At Yuma Middle School we strive to teach curriculum aligned with state standards, and the data we receive from state testing will help us reflect on our continued progress to promote better learning opportunities for all students. If you have any questions, please call the school at 848-2000 or stop by and visit with me about the importance of state testing.

This information is also posted on the school website.


February 10, 2017


Miss Lu and her FBLA students! 

Yuma FBLA qualified 30 students for the State FBLA Conference in April!

Yuma High School Parents/Guardians

February 07, 2017

Good afternoon this message is from Pricipal Jodene Boerner of Yuma High School. Yuma School district opt out policy was handed out in your child’s advisory class today. Please make sure you receive it from your student. You may also view the policy on the district website at yumaschools.org I would encourage you to give me a call for more information on the importance of state testing and how we use the data for instruction and course placement. Thank you!

Buenas tardes,

Este mensaje origen de la Directora Jodene Boerner de nuestra preparatoria Yuma High School. Hoy durante la clase de Asesor de su hijo, repartimos una hoja de ‘Optar Política’. Por favor asegúrese de que usted recibe este papel de su hijo. También usted puede ver esta política en el sitio de internet del distrito a yumaschools.org. Ánimos a usted de darnos una llamada para obtener más información sobre la importancia de las exámenes del estado y cómo utilizamos toda la información colectiva para el propósito de instrucción.

¡Gracias! Y recuerde de da atención a esta hoja.

YHS Basketball

February 06, 2017

The Girls C game today in Idalia has been cancelled due to illness going through their school. 



Athletic Event Schedule Changes

February 02, 2017

Tribe fans:

There will be NO High School C boys basketball game today @ Merino. (Show up early as they will move games as quick as the can)

4:00 – JV Girls; 5:00 – JV Boys; 6:00 – Varsity Girls; 7:30 – Varsity Boys



February 01, 2017

After careful consideration, the Yuma School District will run on a 2 hour delay schedule Thursday February 2, 2017.  Buildings will open at 9:30 and classes will start at 10:00am. Breakfast will not be served. Little Indians Preschool and Head Start morning sessions are cancelled. If conditions worsen and it becomes necessary to cancel school for the day, a new messenger will go out no later than 7:30 am.

Please note that we do not take this decision lightly and we understand that when school is delayed, we disrupt the learning schedules and home routines of students and families. By providing an extra two hours for conditions and visibility to improve, we are able to provide for safer transportation to school. In the end, any decision to delay school close school is based on one factor only: the safety of our students and staff. Thank you.

Dianna Chrisman


Yuma School District-1

YHS Pre-Registration

January 31, 2017

Guardians and Parents of Yuma High School Students Grades 9-11:  

On February 6, 2017 - an Early Release day, students will be scheduling classes for the 2017-2018 school year. There will be NO regular classes, we are scheduling a 15 minute meeting for your student. A notice of time will be sent home on Friday. If your child rides the bus, the buses will run on the normal schedule.  Otherwise your child will only be expected to come for their scheduled time. There will be a place for students who ride the bus to be occupied with homework.  Lunch will be served for bus riders as normal.

Thanks,  Jodene Boerner - Yuma High School Principal

Estimado Padre o Tutor por los niveles 9 al 11

     Aproxima Lunas, el 6 de febrero, 2017  estamos haciendo un cambio. Los estudiantes serán programado de seleccionar sus clases para el año nuevo escolar de 2017 /2018.  Es para decir que NO hay clases regulares. Queremos programar una junta breve de 15 minutos por su estudiante. Venga viernes una nota con la hora está en el mano de su hijo.  Si su hijo monta el camión por el día regular el horario normal aplique.  Sin embargo si es posible, pedimos que usted hizo arreglos para su hijo de venga solamente para el cita a la hora indicada.   Si no hay otra manera y su hijo necesita usar el camino vamos tener un lugar asignada para el ser ocupada con sus tareas hasta venga el camión. El almuerzo está servida como normal.

Si tiene preguntas sentir libre de llamar Sra. Torres a 848-5488 o por correo electrónica torresd@yumaschools.org



Incoming Freshmen and Parents/Guardians:

There will be a Pre-enrollment meeting in March. More information will be posted at a later date. 


January 31, 2017


Senior pictures and quotes for the yearbook are due by February 16. If a picture is not submitted by you, then the yearbook will use your school picture from August. Pictures and quotes may be submitted through e-mail or in person to Mrs. Chrissinger.

Also, please bring a copy of your college acceptance letters to the counseling department when your receive them.


January 24, 2017

Tribe Fans

Due to the icy conditions the MS Wrestling Bash and High School basketball games for tonight have been cancelled.  Both events are currently rescheduled for Tuesday February 7th.

Be Careful

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