Yuma School District

Yuma School District-1 Position Statement - Student Data Privacy and Security

Parents and guardians indicated support for the access to, and use of, student data to improve teaching and learning.  Yet they articulated that there must be a clear justification for the need and benefit to access and use their child's data in educational settings.  Despite support for the use of student data, parents are concerned about the privacy and security of their child's personally identifiable information and educational record.

Yuma School District is deeply committed to the promotion of privacy and security policies that maintain the confidentiality of sensitive data that students and families provide to educational institutions, as well as the data that is collected while using online products and services.  We maintain compliance with the Colorado Student Data Transparency and Security Act (HB16-1423) and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) to ensure personal information is handled in the utmost secure and responsible ways.  

Below is a comprehensive list of 3rd party service providers Yuma School District has a contractual agreement with and shares student data with in order to effectively support student learning and success.  Also provided is a list of on-demand school service provider's (website and mobile apps) that have been thoroughly reviewed to ensure that the companies privacy policy is in compliance with the Colorado Student Data Transparency and Security Act and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.  

Federal and State Law Governing Data Reporting Requirements

In order to meet requirements of specific federal and state laws, Yuma School District is required to report specific student, school, and district Data to the Colorado Department of Education (CDE). For more information regarding what information CDE collects, how it uses this information and CDE’s data privacy policies please visit the following link: Data Elements Collected by the Colorado Department of Education.

Yuma School District Contracted Educational Partners

Below is a comprehensive list of 3rd party service providers Yuma School District has a contractual agreement and shares student data with. All contractual agreements between 3rd party educational partners and Yuma School District ensure that each company’s data privacy policy is in full compliance with the Colorado Student Data Transparency and Security Act (HB 16-1423) and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

Contracts are available for review upon request.

3rd Party Service Providers

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