Yuma School District
September 24, 2018


Kit Carson has cancelled the C team high school game on Saturday. We will still run a similar schedule. The schedule will be as follows...

9:00 7th Grade A vs. Kit Carson B

10:00 8th Grade A vs. Kit Carson A

11:00 High School JV vs. Kit Carson JV

12:00 Varsity vs. Kit Carson Varsity

All games will be played at Yuma High School. Gates will be $4 for students and senior citizens over 60 and $6 for adults. Once the entry fee has been paid you will be allowed to stay for all junior high and high school matches as well as high school softball which will be going on too (10:00 & 12:00)! Wigwam will be going on in the commons and there will be tons of great food! What a fun day to be an Indian! 

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