Yuma School District
March 09, 2017

Parent-Teacher conferences are scheduled for Yuma Middle School for Tuesday, March 7th and Thursday, March 9th from 4:00-7:00 p.m. in the YMS gym.

  • If you can not attend, feel free to call the school and schedule another time with the teachers at 848-2000, or send an email to the staff for a quick response.
  • 5/6 grade teachers may have time to meet during their plan time at 9:30-11:00 a.m. daily 
  • 7/8 grade teachers may have time to meet during their plan from 2:00-3:20 p.m. daily
  • specials teachers may be able to meet with you from 12:15-1:50 p.m. daily.
  • Report cards not picked up at Parent-Teacher conferences will be sent home with the student on Tuesday, March 21, 2017 upon return from Spring Break.
  • Sorry for the inconvenience, but Mr. Chrisman will not be able to attend P-T Conferences, so you will need to set-up another time to meet with him. chrismank@yumaschools.org or 848-2000.

Parent Teacher Conference

Morris Elementary School Spring Parent/Teacher Conferences are also Tuesday and Thursday. MES has always had excellent participation in conferences, and we're excited to share what your students have been working on with you!

  • Our parent volunteers have organized another fantastic bake sale, and we're grateful for their efforts to support MES teachers.
  • Also, if you haven't had a chance to provide feedback on the district's calendar options for next year, we'll have some computers available during conferences.

As always, thank you for your partnership and support! Parents involved in education is one of the best predictors of students' success, and our students are lucky to have such involved and dedicated parents! We'll see you soon!

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