Yuma School District
Red Ribbon Week
October 17, 2012


Red Ribbon Week

Red Ribbon Week is the oldest and largest drug prevention campaign in the country. This year MES will celebrate Red Ribbon Week October 22-26
Red Ribbon Week serves as a vehicle for communities and individuals to take a stand for the hopes and dreams of our children through a commitment to drug prevention and education and a personal commitment to live drug free lives with the ultimate goal being the creation of drug free America.  
The week will include an assembly called ‘Drug Free from A-Z’ presented by all grade levels.  Also, each day there will be a special theme tied to Red Ribbon week.  
Monday:  “Let Your True Colors Shine!” (Wear your favorite colors or sequin clothing)
Tuesday: “Sock it to Drugs.” (Wear colorful or crazy socks)
Wednesday:  “Take a Stand for a Drug Free Land” (Wear red, white and blue)
Thursday:  “Tie One On Against Drugs” (Wear a tie to school)
Friday:  “Team up Against Drugs” (Wear our school color red)

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