YHS BASEBALL vs Caliche (League)
POSTPONED: Field conditions in Yuma are not going to clear up in time. Rescheduling games to Monday, will pass along start time soon.
Tribe Fans
High School track tomorrow in Holyoke has been cancelled, there will be NO make up date.
Middle School track tomorrow in Ft. Morgan has been cancelled, it WILL be rescheduled for Thursday May 3rd at 2:00
Tribe Fans
Due to weather, the middle school track meet in Holyoke and the YHS Girls Golf Invite in Cheyenne Wells have been postponed.
Middle School Track Meet @ Holyoke is rescheduled for Tuesday April 17th – 9:00
YHS Girls Golf @ Cheyenne Wells is rescheduled for Friday May 4th – 10:00
The Yuma School District-1 Administration Offices will be open 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Tribe Fans
Today’s high school track meet and girls golf in Holyoke and middle school track in Sterling has been cancelled.