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Regional Wrestling

February 06, 2018

Students wishing to attend Regional Wrestling this Friday at NJC must pick up a pre-arranged permission form at the office. This form must be signed by your parents and your 8th period teacher and be returned to the office by 8:00 Friday morning for the absence to be considered a school absence. Students will be dismissed after 4th period at 2:40. Students will be required to check in with Mrs. Boerner at NJC.

Winter Sports

February 06, 2018

Winter Sports Athletes: Please pay your sport’s fee to the office as soon as possible!

District FBLA

February 06, 2018

District FBLA is Thursday. The bus will leave at 6:30 am and will return by 3:30 pm. Please wear business attire and bring money for lunch.


January 09, 2018

Attention Seniors: Senior pictures (electronic or print) and senior quotes are due to Mrs. Trute by March 18, 2018.

Senior Tributes

January 09, 2018

Attention Senior Parents: Senior Tributes (baby ads) are due to Mrs. Trute by March 31, 2018. Tributes may be created through or given to Mrs. Trute. Payment is required at time of submission.

2018 Senior Tributes

No School

December 25, 2017

Winter Break

December 25, 2017 - January 4, 2018


December 21, 2017

Winter concert


Thursday, December 21st @ 7:00 p.m.

MES Program

December 11, 2017

* Students planning on attending the Morris Elementary Christmas Program this Thursday must pick up a permission form at the office. This form must be filled out and signed by your parents and returned to the office by noon on Wednesday. Only students who have immediate family members in the program will be dismissed to attend. You must also have passing grades in the classes you will be missing. This form must be returned to the office or you will not be allowed to attend. Students will be given an early dismissal slip Thursday morning. We will not call classrooms and interrupt classes to have students dismissed. Students attending the morning performance will be dismissed at 9:15 and students attending the afternoon performance will be dismissed at 1:15.


November 28, 2017

2017 Canine Classic Brackets

Friday, December 1st and Saturday, December 2nd

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