CPP – tuition is free to families and enrollment is limited to 25 students
Special Needs -- tuition is free to families
Tuition -- Tuition is $125/month for 4 days/week (Monday - Thursday)
Funding for the Preschool is a cooperative effort of four different programs.
Colorado Preschool Program -- funded by the state of Colorado
Special Needs -- funded by the state of Colorado
Tuition children -- funded by parents (and scholarships when they become available)
A student’s day is filled with developmentally appropriate, active learning experiences that help them to develop:
-language skills (including pre-reading)
-writing skills
-movement and motor skills
-cognitive skills (including math)
-social skills
Available Programs
Enrollment -- 25 students
Qualifications -- The child or family must meet at least one of the risk factors of eligibility as defined by the legislature and the local CPP Policy Council.
Age -- 4 years old by July 15th. A three-year-old child who is 3 by July 15th, and whose family has 3 risk factors, will also qualify.SPECIAL NEEDS PROGRAM:
Enrollment -- varies
Qualifications -- open to children who have been identified as having a special need and have an Individual Education Plan.
Age -- 3, 4 or 5 years old.TUITION PROGRAM:
Enrollment -- varies depending on enrollment in other programs.
Qualifications -- Any child who has not been placed in one of the other programs is eligible.
Age -- at least 3 years old and potty trained by July 15th.
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