Fifth and Sixth Grade SOCK HOP & BALLOON BOP!
When: Thursday, February 15th 3:30-5:00
Where: Yuma Middle School Cafeteria
Who: Only fifth and sixth grade students that attend Yuma Middle School.
What: Cost is five dollars per student.
Why: Enjoy hanging out with your friends, listening and dancing to music, and helping our school raise money for Sixth Grade Camp!
*Please pick up your child promptly at 5:00. *No cellphones.
*Refreshments will be provided. No outside beverages or snacks allowed.
*School dress code applies!
*Students may not leave the dance early unless their parent comes to the door to pick them up.
*Students planning on attending the dance may leave their items in their locker, including their cell phones, and can get their items at the end of the dance.
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